The Academy 2013

The Academy was founded by the Academy of Ideas in 2011 and came under the auspices of the Battle of Ideas charity in 2019.

The theme of The Academy 2013 – which ran from Saturday 20 – Monday 22 July with a special Youth Academy day for scholars on Friday 19 July – was Man and nature.


Youth Academy day

What is classical music? (Ivan Hewett)

Man: sinner or saint? (Dr David A Jones)

After tradition: thoughts on culture (Angus Kennedy)

Day one

Plenary: Hobbes: the nature of human government (Professor Frank Furedi)


Classics: Nature. It is. It isn’t. The Pre-Socratics and the Sophistics (Professor Dennis Hayes)

History: Louis XIV: man and monarch (Dr Phil McCluskey)

Literature: Man’s real nature: fallen angel (Claire Fox)


Plenary: Jean-Jacques Rousseau: founder of the sciences of man

Day two

Plenary: Hegel: the unnatural historian (Professor Frank Furedi)


Classics: Nature, convention and society in Plato’s Republic (Professor Angie Hobbs)     

History: 1848 and the making of modern Germany (Dr Alan Hudson)

Literature: Man in nature: the romantic sensibility (Dr Stacey McDowell)


Sunday Short: Boethius and Medieval Allegorical Thought (Richard Swan)

Sunday Short: Negroes with guns! Disarming blacks 1866-1970 (Dr Kevin Yuill)


Sunday Short: Medieval Allegorical texts: an introduction (Richard Swan)

Sunday Short: War and politics (Professor James Woudhuysen)


Plenary: Nietzsche: surpassing humanity (Professor Ken Gemes) – Conference Room

Day three

Classics: Cicero; natural law; human duty (Angus Kennedy)

History: Futurism; for science not art; youth not age; enslave nature! Smash the past! (Bruno Waterfield)

Literature: Man’s inner nature: self reflection and being psychological (Dr Tim Black)


Classics: The Self as a work of art in the Renaissance (Dr Tiffany Jenkins)

History: The rise of Big History (and the descent of man) (Professor Frank Furedi) 

Literature: Man’s future nature: science fiction and beyond (Ken Macleod)


Plenary: Freud: The unconscious and the repressive society